Basically, one could possibly categorize them as a person who identifies with the sounds and messages of generations gone by, not the soundtrack of today's ever-changing digital world. The more knowledge a person has about the questions in this quiz, the more likely it is that they are an old soul. This can be confirmed by the fact that so many of these artists continue to live on generation after generation. The music that was heard decades ago is considered some of the best of all time. In some circles, it's actually considered "cool" to have an interest in yesteryear's classics. Let's face it, the fresh digital sounds of today's popular music isn't for everybody. One area of interest that makes it easy for people to tell if a person is an old soul or not is through the music they listen to. However, there are other actions a person can take to show what an old soul they really are. They usually carry themselves in a way that makes other people feel like that person is older than they really are. Below you will find 10 important Old School Hip Hop tracks listed chronically, 10 songs that have laid the foundation for Hip Hop as a major musical and cultural force in the world.Typically, an old soul can be identified by the way they act. Roughly speaking one could say the Old School ended in 1985 / 1986 after which the Golden Age of Hip Hop started. Since then, Hip Hop rapidly grew from a local thing into a global phenomenon. In the early ’80s, Hip Hop artists released mainly singles and only from the mid-80s on – when the record labels started to get behind it – the world saw regular Hip Hop album releases. so fckin good1 Buy Old School Hip Hop Mix(FREE DL) Users who like Old School Hip. It took six years before the first Hip Hop album was recorded and released – Rapper’s Delight by the Sugarhill Gang (even though still heavily influenced by disco sounds). If you want to promote your music to a wider audiance dm us. After the DJs came the emcees, who started rapping to the beats. Later, people like Kool Herc and Afrika Bambaataa organized ‘block parties’, where DJs created music using breakbeats and scratching. This way the ‘breakbeat’ was born, on which people would dance (hence: breakdancing – dancing on a breakbeat). Kool Herc is one of the pioneers when it comes to live-mixing together two different songs. Of course, the foundations of Hip Hop were laid even earlier and in different places by different people, but Aughas become sort of a symbolic date signifying ‘the birth of Hip Hop’. On August 11, 1973, a DJ named Kool Herc threw a party in the basement of an apartment building at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in The Bronx, New York. Old School Hip Hop is the period from the emergence of Hip Hop in 1973 to approximately 1986. Today, many people see 1987 and even later as ‘Old School’, but that is wrong. An excerpt from “ Going Way Back” – the classic Just Ice song from 1987.