Battlefield 1 realistic mode
Battlefield 1 realistic mode

battlefield 1 realistic mode

Unlike the aircraft, there is no location-specific damage other than tanks passively taking more damage from the sides and the rear. After taking damage, the driver can choose to repair, and while doing so, the vehicle must remain stationary and take no damage. Ground vehicles (minus the horse) operate in a similar capacity. This makes it a well-balanced mechanic, since a plane cannot repair while in combat, and you fly in a predictable line while being repaired, so enemy aircraft or ground-based flak could hit you. Finishing one repair job only restores a fraction of the plane's health a full repair takes multiple completions. While the bar fills up, all other controls don't work, and if you stop repairing for any reason or take any damage, you must start over. For the first time, you can actively choose to repair your aircraft in mid-flight by holding down a button to fill a circular progress bar. Anti-air missiles don't exist yet, but flak certainly does and can easily tear a plane to shreds. Aircraft take location-specific damage that affects their handling or completely knocks out the engine. It's not just the bigger, thematic changes that make the game different, but there are a lot of smaller touches that show another layer of polish. Additionally, you know it's a different kind of Battlefield when your squadmate is cut down by a dude wielding a sword on horseback. Infantry combat is punctuated by the use of mustard gas, which means you either leave the area or put on a gas mask (and are unable to aim down the sights).

battlefield 1 realistic mode

The tanks are metal monsters clearly built before any nation had a firm grasp of what a tank would eventually become, other than the then-current need of traversing trenches and flinging shells in every direction. The planes are propeller-driven and relatively slow when compared to Battlefield 1942'sWWII-era aircraft. It's worth noting that Battlefield 1 does a fantastic job of driving home the World War I theme. Many tweaks have been made to give the title a technical facelift, but for better or worse, Battlefield 1 doesn't feel much different from previous games in the series.

battlefield 1 realistic mode

The game does a great job of marrying the classic formula with the new theme, which features a decidedly unmodern and sometimes unfamiliar style of warfare. I wish that naming the game Battlefield 1 meant that DICE had considered greater tweaks to the Battlefield formula and not just referred to a World War I setting.

Battlefield 1 realistic mode